目前分類:Movies (3)

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Cloudy with a Chance of Meat Balls.png

雪崩叫 avalanche,那如果堆的像山一樣高的食物崩塌下來叫做什麼?請看下面的片段,答案就在影片中。

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Funny People.png

就算玩世不恭,面對死亡還是得低頭,儘管是誤會一場。Adam Sandler 在片中喜怒多變的表現,與 Reign Over Me 中飾演痛失家人的角色截然不同。


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All About Steve.png



- "On the journey of life, just find someone as normal as you if not a whole bunch."


- "If you love someone, set him free. If you have to stalk him, he probably wasn't yours in the first place."



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